Hoogeveen Groen

Hoogeveen Groen consists of enthusiastic people, companies and organizations who work together to promote biodiversity by connecting private gardens, business parks and public areas via ‘green stepping stones’. Consider, for example, green tree driplines, green moss walls, sedum roofs or a ‘tiny forest’. Do you work together with Hoogeveen Groen? Then we look together for new opportunities for more biodiversity within the municipality of Hoogeveen, The Netherlands. We will also monitor these pilots, for example by means of the hedgehog map.

Giving nature a little more space, that is the goal. By means of ‘rewilding’ (which means planting native plant species) and the promotion of existing sustainable solutions, better policies for the management of city parks for people and animals and monitoring animal species in Hoogeveen, Hoogeveen Groen also wants to give nature a place within the city again. Because nature is good for everyone!

Working group under IVN

Hoogeveen Groen is housed as a working group with its own projects at IVN Hoogeveen. This makes collaboration with other working groups within IVN possible and we can make optimal use of knowledge about nature by inviting other working groups to take a look at Hoogeveen Groen’s current projects.
