
Seizures in hedgehogs explained

This is one of the most difficult illnesses to correctly diagnose. The reason for this, is that there are many diseases and conditions that can cause seizures. Plus, seizures come in different variaties. Convulsions, jerking, stiffening, shaking, loss of consciousness, or just tweaking of facial muscles.  Epilepsy or seizures are also often wrongly diagnosed as Wobbly Hedgehog Syndrome, although in some rare cases it can be related. Also, not to be confused with anointing.

What causes these seizures?  

To fully understand epilepsy in hedgehogs, we must distinguish between the different types of epilepsy or also called seizures. For this article we are going to focus on four common types that normally covers most of the causes of seizures in hedgehogs.

Most common types of seizures:

Partial seizures – or also called reactive seizures, caused by focal abnormal electrical event in the brain, caused by metabolic issues, such as tumors, low blood sugar, kidney / liver failure etc. These seizures are brought on by an illness. Simple partial seizures can even be the twitching of facial muscles.

Generalized – Also called idiopathic epilepsy. This can be convulsions and is the most common seizures seen in animals. It will be combined with symmetric stiffening, trashing, loss of mobility of the limb muscles. Animals with idiopathic epilepsy may have severe generalised seizures. Idiopathic epilepsy means when no other cause / illness exists, yet the hedgehog suffers from seizures. Noticeable is that inbreeding hedgehog babies can suffer from idiopathic epilepsy. The parents don`t have these seizures, yet the babies can suffer from it. Under IE (Idiopathic Epilepsy) falls genetically carried over epilepsy.

More and more study cases show that genetic factors contribute to the etiology of seizures and disorders. It is also possible that in one litter some babies might be unaffected.  This is called autosomal recessive idiopathic epilepsy. Then there is also the genetically carried over type of disorders that can happen, although not because of inbreeding. Meaning, the parents are not related, but have genetically carried over disorders, and some babies of the whole litter may suffer from it. In south Africa we have witnessed a few cases of inbreeding babies that suffered from IE.

Secondary epileptic seizures – This is the direct result of an abnormal brain structure. This can be brought on by tumors, fever as to a result of inflammation or strokes.

Reactive epileptic seizures – This is caused by physiologic stress. Physiological stress is the body’s response to a stressor, such as an environmental condition or a stimulus. Examples of physiological stress are fatigue, dehydration, heat illness, hypothermia, and even boredom- too small cage, no stimulation like a wheel. Hedgehog being kept in a stressful environment -noise, lights burning 24/7, going through periods of unregular feeding, being kept from food and water etc. 

Can it be treated or is it terminal?

Depending on the severity, and the cause of the seizure, it can be treated. 

Diazepam can be prescribed by vets to treat epilepsy. See links below that provides more information.



Cases of epilepsy in South Africa that was recorded and followed

In South Africa a few cases with epilepsy were linked to inbreeding. One case is age related. They did not survive the continuous seizures, some of the hedgehogs died while having an episode. Little is known or recorded regarding epilepsy in African Pygmy Hedgehogs to fully conclude on how long a hedgehog can live with such a condition. Please note that these cases are merely data gathering and not formal research done by a university or a registered professional.

Case no1: Hedgehog name Limpie, born 2020- 2023 /01/23

Litter that was born was confirmed the result of inbreeding. The babies were much smaller and weaker than average babies. At the age of 4 weeks, the mother start killing them, and 3 were saved and taken away. Two males and 1 one female survived. Between week 5 and 6 the one male died unexplained. Was found dead in sleeping den. During the same period, the remaining brother, Limpie took a fall and sustained a head injury which caused him to be paralyzed temporary. With swim therapy he regained mobility again and was able to function normal. Noticeable was that both the remaining babies suffered from seizures. The female baby would get triggered by exciting things such as running on the wheel. Limpie had showed extreme unpredictable behaviour, aggressiveness, and seizures. Shortly after he turn two years old, he passed away. The vet who assisted the owners during this journey requested to have his body for autopsy to see if she can learn anything. It was confirmed that he did have Hedgehog Wobbly Disease. See FB link with video below of the female hedgehog suffering from seizures.


Case no2: Peanut: 2021/02/28

Rescue case: Female that was housed with what appeared to be siblings had a litter. When the babies were at the age of 3 weeks, the female started to kill of the litter. One male baby was saved and hand reared. At the age of 5 weeks the hedgehog had a seizure and died as a result immediately. See link below with FB post that explains more about this case


Case no3: Benji 2023/10/15-

Six-year-old male hedgehog had a seizure and was on his feet after the event. After recovering he was eating and drinking, but mobility largely affected. The vet suspectedly it is from neurological nature. Considering his high age, extensive testing might just cause more harm than cure at this point of time. Because he is still alive, his condition will be monitored.

See video below of Benji`s first seizure.

Article & features image by Lizl van Vreden.

Photo and video evidence provided by owners of hedgehog`s with seizures.
